Thursday, June 28, 2012

BP Hails Supreme’s Upholding of Obamacare

(Views on the News)

The following statement is from Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. on the ruling by the Supreme Court upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:

“Today the Supreme Court delivered a major victory for the American people by upholding the‘individual mandate’ of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act today.

“This is an important law that affects millions of residents across the country. In a Borough where a high percentage of residents are uninsured, it is imperative for this law to remain so that Bronxites can access and afford the care they need. According to the Bronx Health Link, had the bill been upheld in its entirety, about 99,000 Bronx residents would have gained insurance coverage, and the uninsured rate would have gone down from 21 percent in 2009 to 14 percent. Moreover, up to 70,000 more New York State residents would have been eligible for Medicaid starting in 2014.
“It is because of this law we have made a fundamental and transformative change to how those with preexisting conditions will receive the care they so desperately need. It is because of this law we have taken a substantial step in fixing a broken system.
“But there is more work to be done; by striking down the Medicaid expansion we have missed a tremendous opportunity to impact those areas with the greatest economic need. We must continue push Congress to make the needed reforms to Medicaid so that more Americans can receive benefits under this important program.
“We thank the President for his leadership. Residents in our Borough and those across the country will have greater rights and protections when it comes to healthcare. Today is a victory for all Americans,” said Bronx borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

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