Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Riverdale News: De Blasio Almost Endorses Cohen

Riverdale News: De Blasio Almost Endorses Cohen: --> Riverdale Report By Robert Press BRONX, NEW YORK, February 6- In what was to be the second of the four major Democratic candi...

De Blasio Almost Endorses Cohen

Riverdale Report
By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, February 6- In what was to be the second of the four major Democratic candidates running for mayor this year to endorse Andrew Cohen for the 11th council district was put off due to a death in the political family, that being former Mayor Ed Koch. Many people in and out of politics told me Koch would have wanted the endorsement of Cohen by current Public Advocate Bill De Blasio to go on so people could have another way of remembering February 1st 2013. 
The endorsement of Cohen by De Blasio has been pushed back a week and should have happened by the time you read this paper. Andrew Cohen was endorsed by current City Council Speaker Christine Quinn (currently the leading Democratic candidate in the race for mayor) a week before the scheduled De Blasio endorsement which leaves only Bill Thompson and John Liu left as the two other major Democratic candidates not to endorse 11th council candidate Andrew Cohen. Look however for the official endorsement by current Public Advocate Bill De Blasio (and candidate this year for mayor) of Andrew Cohen for the 11th council district in next weeks paper. It has been rumored that current Mayor “ King Moneybags Bloomberg” (who ran on the Republican line for mayor three times) might be endorsing one of Cohens opponents in the Democratic Primary for the 11th council district.
While Mr. Nicks Pizza & Pasta has opened up at 3552 Johnson Avenue (in the old Corner Cafe spot) finally after several long months of work, Riverdelight Restaurant a few stores down the block has closed its doors after many years of being a fixture on Johnson Avenue. One reason the high cost of rent, and it appears that one or two other stores on Johnson Avenue are on the brink of closing for to the same reason. We wish Mr. Nicks Pizza & Pasta well as it is the third store that the owners have, with the other two well established stores in Tarrytown and Briarcliff Manor. Stop in and try a slice of pizza of your choice or enjoy one of the other many items on Mr. Nicks menu. It looks like there will be a new store opening up right across the street from Mr. Nicks. The name on the sign says Munchies which means it could be an Ice Cream and/or Yogurt shop. More on Munchies in future columns.
Even though there may be snow on the ground Wave Hill is still open for business, and you can visit that little gem of a place in the northwest section of the Bronx for one of Wave Hills winter activities. Just go to my blog at and check the archive section on the left to click on the weekly listings of events that are going on at Wane Hill. There is fun for the entire family at Wave Hill.
While the school bus strike continues to drag on there seems to be less children not attending school every day as the strike continues. Parents are finding other ways to get their children to school, and if that was the hope of Mayor Bloomberg it may be coming true. The mayor may just say now that the bus routes are not needed, and the city can save millions of dollars by eliminating them. What has happened to that good old neighborhood school, and where are the promised improvements in education that you made eleven years ago Mayor Bloomberg? Schools are still being closed due to poor performance (even schools opened under your watch), and to many children still can't read or write on grade level let alone graduate high school on time or at all. Mayoral control gets an “F” and should replaced by a different system.
Finally, next week I will have a report on the February 5th Community Board 8 Economic Development Committee meeting, and how those Street Fair applications and other matters that the committee will take up go. By the way I would love to tell you where the meeting is to be held, but as of our deadline (Sunday February 3rd) the location is still “To be determined”. I wonder why?
If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

Child Carjacking Caught on Tape

Monday, February 4, 2013

Riverdale News: Quinn Endorses Cohen

Riverdale News: Quinn Endorses Cohen: --> (Photo by Robert Press) Riverdale Report By Robert Press BRONX, NEW YORK, February 4- Friday afternoon City Counc...

Quinn Endorses Cohen

(Photo by Robert Press)
Riverdale Report
By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, February 4- Friday afternoon City Council Speaker Christine Quinn (the current leading candidate for mayor in 2013) came to Louie's Dale Dinner located on West 231st Street in the 11th council district to endorse the candidacy of Andrew Cohen for the 11th City Council seat that will be vacated at the end of the year by term limited Councilman G. Oliver Koppell. 
This was an informal chat of friends over coffee to which the press was invited to cover and ask a few questions after Speaker Quinn's endorsement of 11th district candidate Andrew Cohen. Speaker Quinn said that she first met Mr. Cohen in 1997, and the two have remained friends since then. Quinn said it was important to have someone such as Andrew Cohen as the local councilman, because of Mr. Cohen's community record as a member of Community Board 8, other volunteer community work, and his fine law background which is exactly what is needed in someone you want to be as your council member. Quinn continued that it is important to be able to get out in the community to do constituent work such as Mr. Cohen has done, but that he can also do the job that is needed at City Hall.
In answering questions Quinn and Cohen said that it is important to support the local merchants, and that is one reason for the endorsement here in this diner on a local merchant strip. As to my question on her thoughts on which of the two proposals that she wanted to see be placed in the Kingsbridge Armory, Quinn said that she was not fully clear on the Young Woo plan. She added that she wants to consider what Councilman Cabrera (whose district the armory is in) thoughts on the armory plans were. On a question of bringing back the idea of “congestion pricing” Quinn said that she supports the idea, and that New York City will need to have additional revenue streams. 11th council candidate Andrew Cohen in a previous interview with me said that he is opposed to congestion pricing. This endorsement was by Speaker Quinn of the candidacy of Andrew Cohen only, as there was no cross endorsement of Quinn by Cohen or anyone else. You can go to my blog at to read more on the endorsement, and see photos of Speaker Quinn and 11th council candidate Andrew Cohen.
11th council candidate Andrew Cohen has already been endorsed by the four local elected officials current 11th councilman G. Oliver Koppell, Congressman Eliot Engel, State Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, and the local Ben Franklin Democratic Club. As of now there are two other announced candidates in the 11th council district race, Cliff Stanton and Shelly Kelling.
I was able to catch Speaker Quinn before she got into her car to leave, and asked her if the recent conviction of former Councilman Larry Seabrook had her office under investigation. Quinn replied that was done with a while ago, and nothing has come of it. My sources tell me that there may soon be something coming out of that Quinn investigation soon.
The MTA held a public meeting last week on not cutting back, but increasing train service. The Irvington (Yonkers), North Riverdale, and Spuyten Duyvil stations are to have added non peak train service. In the past trains have passed through the three stations leaving up to one hour between non peak train service. The proposed additional service is to have a train now stop at the three stations at least once every half hour as ridership has increased on the Hudson line of Metro North. No one at the hearing had any thing negative to say about the increased service, but several speakers asked the MTA to increase the rush hour service that has left train platforms and trains packed as one person said “the sardine packed subway”. Several homeowners did ask the MTA to do a study if there will be any added traffic or other effects on the quality of life issues surrounding the stations.
While 48 seats were set up for the public it seemed that there were more MTA police and personnel present at the hearing. You can go to my blog to read more and see photos of the K-9 unit that was on hand, and the many empty seats.
Beautiful Wave Hill is open even though there may be snow on the ground, and you can check the latest listing of events going on at Wave Hill on my blog.
If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

Riverdale News: ‘How Am I Doing’

Riverdale News: ‘How Am I Doing’: --> 100 PERCENT By Robert Press BRONX, NEW YORK, February 4- The passing of former outspoken Mayor Ed Koch has left a legacy t...

‘How Am I Doing’

By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, February 4- The passing of former outspoken Mayor Ed Koch has left a legacy that 100 percent of those who have commented about his life all agree on, that being that Ed Koch was “Good for New York City”. 
His sharpest critics have only words of praise for Koch, even though his legacy as mayor almost came apart in his third term. Koch suffered a stroke in 1987 which was the beginning of his health problems. After the suicide death of his close friend former Queens borough President Donald Manes in 1986, scandals and racial tensions had beset his administration. It was said the FBI had tapes that everyone in the Koch administration was able to be controlled by the mob, with the exception of Ed Koch himself. Racial incidents in Bensonhurst Brooklyn and Howard Beach Queens during his third term as mayor galvanized the vote that was once his biggest support against him causing him to loose a bid for a fourth term. After Koch left City Hall he suffered a heart attack in 1999, and had a case of pneumonia in 2001. Koch had been in and out of hospitals since then and was readmitted last Thursday to the intensive care unit after being released the day before. 
Ed Koch who was born on December 12, 1924 in the Bronx, and passed away at 2 a.m. Friday morning February 1st, 2013. He was buried on Monday in a plot he had bought several years ago in a Washington Heights cemetery, because Ed Koch said that he wanted to stay in the city even after he was no longer here.
The candidates who want to replace Lord Bloomberg as mayor have all announced their intentions to run for mayor as Public Advocate Bill deBlasio and Supermarket magnate John Catsimatidis made it official last week with the current New York City Comptroller John Liu as the only one who has not officially announced that he is running for mayor. There may be an attempt to keep a Democrat from becoming mayor as former Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion (who is said to have the Independence Party line for mayor) did not answer the question put to him on NY1's Road to City Hall “If you were to lose the Republican primary would you stay on the ballot on the Independence line only?”. It is speculated that DeBlasio will get the Working Families line, which would leave the Conservative Party line possibly for Catsimatidis or Lhota should either one win the Republican primary for mayor. It was the Independence line that gave Bloomberg the winning margin of victory over Bill Thompson in the 2009 mayors race, and it could be Carrion and the Independence Party that may keep a Democrat from becoming mayor in 2013 again.
At the December 20, 2012 Community Board 9 meeting a resolution was put forth that Francisco Gonzalez be terminated from the position of District Manager of CB9. There was much discussion about the matter at the meeting with DM Gonzalez defending his 19 years as DM of CB9. The vote wound up 15 in favor, 10 against, and 7 abstentions. Even though more CB9 members voted “yes” than “no” the motion did not pass, because an abstention is counted in the total number of votes in which 17 votes of yes were needed for this resolution to pass. After the vote DM Gonzalez stated that CB9 should put this behind them and move forward with the business of the community in a positive matter. For now this matter seems to be over for now, but it could resurface again.
Community Board members are appointed by borough presidents with half the members of each board being proposed by the local council person(s) of the community board area. It is the borough president’s office that gives training to newly appointed members, and every two years members must reapply if they wish to remain on the board not guaranteed of being reappointment. Term limits may be one factor that increases turnover on community boards as new elected officials may want to put on different people to a community board, and take off others that may have been against their election. 
It was former Bronx Borough President Carrion who decimated Community Board 4 when the board voted against the new Yankee Stadium proposal that Carrion was pushing. Current Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. has taken much of a hands off approach to the 12 Bronx Community Boards, but with several boards having problems such as CB7 in losing their District Manager who left before the second attempt to get rid of him and here in CB9 Diaz needs to act soon. The 11th, 15th, and16th council districts on January 1st 2014 will have new council members, and in four more years several other current council members will be term limited out of office. It could be that the term limit law may lead to a more often turn over of staff at community boards also as members of the boards also change with the new elected officials.
Check my blog at for more on what was in this column, other items that did not make it into this column, and the many photos that are included with the stories. If you have any comments about this column or would like to an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at , or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.