Wednesday, February 6, 2013

De Blasio Almost Endorses Cohen

Riverdale Report
By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, February 6- In what was to be the second of the four major Democratic candidates running for mayor this year to endorse Andrew Cohen for the 11th council district was put off due to a death in the political family, that being former Mayor Ed Koch. Many people in and out of politics told me Koch would have wanted the endorsement of Cohen by current Public Advocate Bill De Blasio to go on so people could have another way of remembering February 1st 2013. 
The endorsement of Cohen by De Blasio has been pushed back a week and should have happened by the time you read this paper. Andrew Cohen was endorsed by current City Council Speaker Christine Quinn (currently the leading Democratic candidate in the race for mayor) a week before the scheduled De Blasio endorsement which leaves only Bill Thompson and John Liu left as the two other major Democratic candidates not to endorse 11th council candidate Andrew Cohen. Look however for the official endorsement by current Public Advocate Bill De Blasio (and candidate this year for mayor) of Andrew Cohen for the 11th council district in next weeks paper. It has been rumored that current Mayor “ King Moneybags Bloomberg” (who ran on the Republican line for mayor three times) might be endorsing one of Cohens opponents in the Democratic Primary for the 11th council district.
While Mr. Nicks Pizza & Pasta has opened up at 3552 Johnson Avenue (in the old Corner Cafe spot) finally after several long months of work, Riverdelight Restaurant a few stores down the block has closed its doors after many years of being a fixture on Johnson Avenue. One reason the high cost of rent, and it appears that one or two other stores on Johnson Avenue are on the brink of closing for to the same reason. We wish Mr. Nicks Pizza & Pasta well as it is the third store that the owners have, with the other two well established stores in Tarrytown and Briarcliff Manor. Stop in and try a slice of pizza of your choice or enjoy one of the other many items on Mr. Nicks menu. It looks like there will be a new store opening up right across the street from Mr. Nicks. The name on the sign says Munchies which means it could be an Ice Cream and/or Yogurt shop. More on Munchies in future columns.
Even though there may be snow on the ground Wave Hill is still open for business, and you can visit that little gem of a place in the northwest section of the Bronx for one of Wave Hills winter activities. Just go to my blog at and check the archive section on the left to click on the weekly listings of events that are going on at Wane Hill. There is fun for the entire family at Wave Hill.
While the school bus strike continues to drag on there seems to be less children not attending school every day as the strike continues. Parents are finding other ways to get their children to school, and if that was the hope of Mayor Bloomberg it may be coming true. The mayor may just say now that the bus routes are not needed, and the city can save millions of dollars by eliminating them. What has happened to that good old neighborhood school, and where are the promised improvements in education that you made eleven years ago Mayor Bloomberg? Schools are still being closed due to poor performance (even schools opened under your watch), and to many children still can't read or write on grade level let alone graduate high school on time or at all. Mayoral control gets an “F” and should replaced by a different system.
Finally, next week I will have a report on the February 5th Community Board 8 Economic Development Committee meeting, and how those Street Fair applications and other matters that the committee will take up go. By the way I would love to tell you where the meeting is to be held, but as of our deadline (Sunday February 3rd) the location is still “To be determined”. I wonder why?
If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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